The O Bulletin: Treadmills Are for Suckers

We’re about a month away from the return of the regular blog. I’m a little stuck on one particular post, not because of writer’s block, but because it’s a vulnerable story. As I said, the fall queue could be a little more raw in response to feedback that my articles to this point are not personal enough. So, we’ll see what we can do about that.

Speaking of personal stories, how’s that blog entry coming along? The one we talked about here? Your fellow readers await your contribution…

Thought of the Week

“It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own.” – Marcus Aurelius

Around the Web

I love people with strong opinions. They make for great debate opponents, but this one? I’m not sure I’m debating it. In fact, I think he might be right.

14 Reasons Why Treadmills Are For Suckers

Believe it or not, treadmills are the most popular form of exercise equipment, which is probably why the world is full of late-night infomercials and fast-talking salesmen constantly spouting that treadmills are the greatest thing since sliced bread. They’re not.

Yes, yes … they’re extremely convenient — especially for folks who live in locales with rough winters — but as a former treadmill owner, trust me when I say the cons far outweigh the pros.

In fact, here are 14 reasons why treadmills just aren’t worth the money: Read more.

This Week’s Tip

Personal Capital is a phenomenal investment tracking and budget tool. This is one service where connecting your financial accounts is not only secure but also supremely beneficial to helping you keep tabs on your net worth and spending habits. If you’ve ever used Mint, this is better. Use this link to sign up, and you’ll get a $20 Amazon credit as part of a limited time promotion. I’ll write a more complete review in the coming months, but don’t wait for my review to check out this excellent, and free, financial tool.

From the Archives

Growing up I knew a guy who was the epitome of cheap. Everyone knew him to be a penny pincher, so when you encountered him and his girlfriend eating from the same plate at a restaurant, you figured he was just up to his usual habits. I agree there’s nothing wrong with sharing a meal. The problem is that when you put that example in the greater context of his habitual lunacy, well, you had to feel sorry for the girl. Read more.

Questions? Comments? Criticisms? You know how to reach me!

Let’s do this again next week!

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