The O Bulletin: The Psychology of Consumption

Remember that post where I asked for reader submissions? I’ve collected a few and will be running the first of these this coming Wednesday. If you’re up for the friendly challenge, please get in touch!

Thought of the Week

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.”–Albert Einstein

Around the Web

From time to time I’ll pull little gems I read a while back. This is one such article, and the information, in my opinion, feels as relevant today as when I first found it.

13 Brilliant Bulk-Buy Items on Amazon

You never want to run out of the items you use on a daily basis. So why not buy them in bulk and save? We’ve rounded up some popular products every household should always have on hand. All get four stars or better from reviewers. Read more.

Financial Tip

How much did you pay for your Internet service when you first signed up? Do you know how much you will be paying after the promotional period expires? Internet providers are notorious for jacking up the price after the first year, but they are not the only subscription service you should keep an eye on. Check out this article on tricks to save money on something like your Internet bill, and if you have a little time to spare, check out this fascinating article on the psychology of consumption. You might rethink how you view things like subscription plans.

From the Archives

COVID-19 has made some of us reconsider our current career path. A fresh wave of articles have stimulated greener pasture syndrome. There’s nothing wrong with taking stock of where we are, but before you buy into the idea that leaving the security of your day job in favor of starting your own business is the most strategic move, give these ten pieces of advice from a highly successful freelancer some consideration. Read more.

Anything from you? Send me a note Questions, comments, or criticisms are welcomed.

Until next time!

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