
I’m calling this category “Suspense,” but it’s sort of an unfair catch all to mystery, legal thriller, psychological suspense, etc.

The Street Lawyer by John Grisham

Any well-written book based in DC has my vote. The Street Lawyer is a realistic depiction of transitioning from corporate to grassroots. It’s the first John Grisham book I picked up, and over 90% of his books I’ve read since are equally phenomenal. Every time I pick it up is like the first time I have ever read it. It’s legal intrigue with a healthy dose of reality of the poverty that exists in the backyard of the nation’s capitol.

A Time to Kill by John Grisham

An excellent read. It’s a small-town scrutiny of the highly charged issue of racism. I think Grisham tries to shoot for the same lesson in other books, but this one hits the mark dead center. If you like small town southern drama, you’ll want to pick this one up. It’s a sad book, but a compelling read.

The Godfather by Mario Puzzo

The movie is good. Mario Puzzo’s book is ten times better. If you can get your hands on the multivoice audio recording, it’s great! It’s A Game of Thrones, Italian mob style.

Executive Orders by Tom Clancy

What would happen if the president, his cabinet, Congress, and the Supreme Court were all killed in an act of terror? Tom Clancy takes on the challenge. It’s Clancy at his best, and while the book is long as usual, I promise every page is worth consuming. This is not the first in the series though, so consider going way back to Without Remorse to get a full appreciation for the Jack Ryan universe.

The Whole Truth by David Baldacci

Perception management is a scheme to drive public opinion. We expect it of marketing brands, but what happens when the controls are in the hands of government? It’s by far the best book I’ve read of David Baldacci’s and every book I’ve read by Baldacci has been excellent.

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