The O Bulletin: Life Lessons the Italian Way

We’re a little past the halfway point of 2021. That goal, or New Year’s resolution you made back in January, how’s it coming along? What can I do to help you get closer to your objective?

Also, great feedback on Oscar’s contribution last week! May I suggest leaving public comments so the guest contributors can see the comments for themselves? He’s back this Wednesday with the second installment to the blueprint he’s developed. Stay tuned.

Thought of the Week

“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.”–Ayn Rand

Around the Web

It’s been a while since I’ve read one of these blog entries, but I think they did a great job of laying the Italian smack down.

5 Lessons From My Italian Father on Love, Marriage and Money – Len Penzo dot Com

“I talk about my Italian parents so much that most of my friends think Mamma and Papa are paying their firstborn son to say nice things about them. In fact, I often tell my readers at that if it weren’t for my parents I’d be lost in terms of key, everyday, life lessons (including how to cook, save money, live practically, etc.).

“My father, specifically, has aided on the money advice and practical-living side of things, and while only possessing a technical degree from an Italian high school, he’s an expert on saving money, home improvement, negotiating, and, you guessed it, how to lead a successful marriage!” Read more.

This Week’s Tip

From the May 2021 issue of the Consumer Action INSIDER:

“Companies and headhunters are using personality tests in the hiring process more frequently. If you are job hunting, know that laws enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) prohibit the use of pre-employment screening tests if they are used to discriminate against prospective–and current–employees. Pre-employment testing can violate federal anti-discrimination laws if it purposefully discriminates against or excludes people based only on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, or age (40 or older). “Disparate impact” is what occurs if the test unfairly and negatively impacts protected groups by disproportionately screening them out of a job, particularly if the questions/tasks in the test or procedure are not relevant to the ability to perform the job and the employer cannot prove they are under the law.” Read more.

From the Archives

Have you ever stayed in a relationship out of a sense of familiarity, obligation, or convenience? I’m not talking about your love life. I’m talking about
the bank that is not doing its part to grow your money. Read more.

Until next time!


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